Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Y'day was fun....
we entered in2 this fusion traffic jam show from the backdoor( without paying the ticket fee tht is ;) )
T'was onme helluva dance show......the best thing was the wave by thoz 5 dames ...n wot a way to do it....get on all fours-all get into one line-put their feet over the shoulders of the person behind-n there goes the wave...TMO!!
Went for 'The Interpreter" at Century theatres dow(illegally offcoz) coz thrs no one to chk.....unfortunately v cudnt do tht coz the othr movies playing at tht part of the corridor were bullcrap.....nywyz will try r luck again sometime...
had dinner at POTBELLIES....nice place must say with the live music arnd,,,,
T'day mornin' we cooked something entirely rselves.....the capsicum turned out to b pretty cool..yummy!!
One weird thing here in the lab is tht thez ppl dont use the laminar hood for the microbial work ...everything is done on the workbench.....guess theyve worked fine with this...only time will tell if i get any contamination in any of my cultures....
i guess ill push off now.....may b hang arnd in the univ or go home.....lets c......